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grow Why the fourteen-year-old Edward at one wing on the back?
There are worlds of which we haben.Welten no idea that we would not even think of in our wildest dreams. And yet with incredible powers dominate our lives - and our death!
Edward, just 14 years old, is considered eccentric: he stutters, is almost 2 meters long, "beanpole", builds most like houses of cards - and then there's this remarkable passage is on his back, the itch and itch ... to him one day black wings grow!
From that moment on, nothing is as it once was.
Fleeing Whiplash Scruggs, who is after getting his wings, Edward unexpected support from the mysterious Mr. spines. With him, he plunges into an unknown world: the world after death, which is dominated by an evil creature abysmal -. the jackal! Whether Edward actually the son of a fallen angel and that the prophesied Savior? He himself has for now only one goal: his mother from the clutches of the jackal free ...
[Source: arsedition.de]
>> Sample \u0026lt;\u0026lt;
Edward is 14, an orphan and goes on a kind of special school - in the foundry for adolescents with behavioral problems. Edward is an outsider. For his age he is in fact quite large, and he stutters. With a classmate he has particular trouble Grudge.
before his 14th Birthday Edward gets angry a strong itch on the back and to top it all he has to deal with the said Grudge, and is also punished with him.
A mysterious, dark man in a white suit, Whiplash Scruggs appears, that seems to lead to no good. Then of course there is the mysterious Mr. Spines and his two assistants and Edward is in the middle of an incredible adventure.
The first part of the series "The Mysterious Mr. Spines.
The writing style is fast and very fluid. Lethcoe does not dwell on them long descriptions and leads the narrative forward fast. The pace of the story unfolds slowly and will end a little faster, but what I felt to be very exciting.
is alternately told from the perspective of Edward (the main character), Mr. Spines and Whiplash. The reader can of course put together some puzzle pieces and backgrounds to understand the Edward remain (still) hidden. One or the other phrase is a bit predictable, but the story of the fallen, Mr. Spines and Edward does not detract.
I had read some positive comments about the book and I was not disappointed!
short, a fabulous start! Now the fingers tingle to finally Band 2 (and 3) to hold in your hands!
For more information:
Publisher: ars edition
Pages: 224
original title: Wings
series: The Mysterious Mr. Spines / The Mysterious Mr. Spines
ISBN: 978-3-7607-5323-2
Price: [D] € 12.95
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