I demand so after the spring, so you go? If one now looks in the garden it is hard to imagine that we once again can look like this! Although an old furnace in our winter garden back home, it attracts not with this storm the past races here now.
We've got new participants and we are delighted that Ingrid Wieland reported from Berlin itself. She has already won international prizes and bring all our quilts with the theme: farm, forest and heath. Then comes
Andrea Fellensiek from Munster with your new group "The World's Fastest needle, bring a big blanket with 3.15 x 3.15 mtr has Compassmotive.Andrea Mariner long lived in America.
sign as Austellerin is now no longer, thank you for so many nice applications and are occupied now with the organization. Best wishes and all a wonderful weekend your Treny
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