لا يمكن لأي مثقف أو Academy jealous in these historic days to distance himself from taking a stance on what is happening in Arab and Muslim world. And Aware of the magnitude of the responsibility and try to understand the case with. We We will address the subject from the angle as long as the omitted ordination of the brothers who took the subject.
repeatedly heard that the Arab memory short memory. And the ordination of the times Drift behind the slogans and emotions Aktar our dependence on logic and history and is a lesson in their stories.
Some may wonder what is the relationship and changes Altorat and developments in the Arab world This?
The answer is the Greater Middle East! Cherished dream of George Bush Jr., but now applied to calculate by a national of the honorable.
as the items received: to promote democracy And good governance, free elections, initiative, and one of the interesting points that give rise to reflect on what came from the recommendations of the Group of Eight in the door of the fight against corruption. And this is what the letter of In the text of the "Greater Middle East".
.... World Bank has identified corruption as the single biggest obstacle to development, has become entrenched in many countries of the Middle East Great, can the Group of Eight:
* be encouraged to adopt a "principles of transparency and fighting corruption" of the Group of Eight.
* that openly supports the initiative of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Economic / United Nations Programme for Development in the Middle East - North Africa, which is discussed in which the heads of governments, donors and non-governmental organizations and national strategies to combat Corruption and strengthen government accountability.
bearing in mind that the driving force for real reform in the broader Middle East must come from within, Since the best Means to promote reform is through representative organizations, the Group of Eight should be encouraged to develop effective organizations of civil society in the region ....
and of this section shall be borne Two lines on this last point. Why? I can not consider the case with now is the result of an agreement between some associations and civil society organizations with some international institutions? Not be considered That the honeymoon between the U.S. and some religious organizations and leftist alike in days earlier had fathered this revolution?
many questions and lots, and the days that the hostages reveal what happened.
, but come back and say, so far what has happened in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as other countries in which they live and unanimously, is a legitimate demand and we hope not to be right for the wrong reasons.
, and here I want to go I'd ordered in a Moroccan, jealous of religious sanctities and national levels.
as we know, Morocco has been and is still and will remain, God willing, state ownership.
and even removed the confusion did not benefit from a grant from the cat Governmental and not ASSUME government position in my life, but grew up and grew up in the poorest slums in Casablanca, and I suffered the bitterness of unemployment even blessed with the completion of my studies in Abroad on my own.
why this topic made? For fear that my attempts to tamper with one of their security and their interests and aspirations. And thus to all of my Altazahriom Feb. 20. The Was your anxiety a bit of bread and live well, and civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution we are with you and to your side Mademtem within the framework of religious legitimacy and national levels. But if the issue Bids Political and an attempt to ride the wave to reach the purpose of discrimination, whether religious or ethnic lines. Or application of a foreign agenda God knows its source and content. We say that we are all against you Mathml Sense of the word!
development of Morocco is different from the rest of the conditions of all Arab countries with all due respect them highly. Every February and Morna beloved as it was said: the roof of my house iron stone corner house Vaasfi Iariah And Weep Yashjr and Dive Iaqueom and Ahtali rain and Aqsfi Iaraud I'm not afraid of risk!
Hisham Byrycp
compile and document the broader Middle East
http://web.archive.org/web/20080513235014/http://arabic.cnn.com/2004/arab.2004/3/1/ grandmiddleeast.document / /
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