Sunday, December 5, 2010
Period Due Only Had Brown Dischage When Wiping
was the first time in recent history the city Garz / Rügen on 5 December - a day of volunteering - the award of honorary citizens working in Garz instead.
"Without the volunteer would be the life of society we would not be possible." Mayor Gitta Gohla raised in her speech to the four honorees.
How to drive the now 75-year-old Walter grains every day, "rain or shine" with the bike and mutual aid to assist in various Garz. In the People's Solidarity is committed since 1959. And the holiday season it has to do a great deal since then Garze visited in hospital or living in a nursing home to get some joy and greetings from home town to deliver.
is also Kate Schulz daily Zudar go. Suggested it was because she is very active for over 50 years in the mutual aid and solidarity of the people. In the beginning, still in the Social Commission, "she recalls.
Klaus Meissner was excellent, because for 15 years directed the fortunes of the city as honorary mayor Garzen and it was a need to honor him for it. "I'm pleasantly surprised." so his reaction.
The fourth, Excellent Falk Biebrach heads, for nine years, volunteers Garze the women's choir. He also has to do a lot until Christmas - but are in the next few days, five appearances at various locations on the island - with "his" 20 women.
For him, the assessment of motivation enough to volunteer work in the choir in the years to continue.
As the four volunteers were given gifts flowers and a certificate and the "Garze shell". In addition, an entry is made in the Honor Book.
All four honorees and guests were in agreement "We need young for the honorary post." It must be taught awareness of what volunteering is all about, so that younger people interested. It was necessary to find that would be suitable for volunteer work and then promote them systematically.
"You can not always take only but must give it."
is envisaged that's made the award for Volunteer Day every year should. It can be submitted as well as proposals this year from the public, decide on which city representatives.
INFO "Garze shell"
This shell was found in 1928 during excavations on the castle wall Garze.
The Slavic pottery dates from the 10th to 12 Century and had such a distinctive appearance that she was as "Garze shell" and classified.
70th Birthday of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Museum in Garza were made 20 replicas of the simple and uniform decorated shell as a limited edition and can be purchased.
Photo: Koslik
group photo with award winners - from left to right Biebrach Falk, Walter grains, Mayor Gitta Gohla, Kate Schulz, Klaus Meissner and the deputy mayor Maik Büttler.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Trash Truck Cake Pans
Mataró Muslims celebrate 'Feast of the Lamb "
Tue, 16/11/2010 - 20:36 The cultural association OIuahda, Hicham Bourisha explains that the meeting today is an appeal to the hospitality not only to the faithful of Islam but to the whole population
... Read more
Monday, November 1, 2010
H.r.t. Withdrawal Symptoms
As we have defined the Ministry of equality: Gender violence born of inequality and power relations of men over women, and exercised by those who are or their spouses have been or are or have been linked to emotional relationships with them, albeit without cohabitation. A definition is not exhaustive and very accurate but we can target the phenomenon and some of its features. Because domestic violence is reciprocal today. And it can be exercised by both men and women. This latter form of abuse is not as frequent as shown by the statistics.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Funeral Guest Book Sayings
accounting of motor vehicles for assets of a student (Federal Administrative Court, 5 C 3 / 09, decision of 30.06.2010)
Last year the Federal Administrative Court ruled that motor vehicles regardless of size or other characteristics as an asset within the meaning of § to consider 27 BAföG with the actual value.
context of decision:
Earlier, the BAföG offices all vehicles considered regardless of their size and other characteristics as household items, which according to § 27 paragraph 2 No. 4 BAföG not contribute to the ability of the trainees be. This approach is even an appropriately worded administrative regulation 27.2.5 VwV provide.
The administrative courts are not bound to adopt the regulations, because they have no legal standing.
are BAföG offices since 2007, mostly gone to the principles of social courts for asset accounting of motor vehicles in the social assistance law by analogy. This resulted in the present practice means that vehicles will remain free to qualifying to a value of 7,500 € (Federal Social Court of 6.9.2007, B 14/7b AS 66/06).
The current decision of the Federal Administrative Court:
In his recent ruling the Federal Administrative Court now expressly denies the freedom of the recognition of motor vehicles for wealth, while the administrative regulation 27.2.5 expressly left out of consideration. A vehicle is classified as goods in the amount of action using its recovery proceeds recoverable assets.
The Federal Administrative Court has also made reference to a provision in the Social Welfare Law, § 12 para 3 No 2 SGB II, after which an appropriate motor vehicle is excluded separately and specifically refers to an asset recovery. That fact, however, according to the Federal Administrative Court against a straight right cross-recovery principle of freedom of motor vehicles.
is thus rejected the same time the existing administrative-law case, in the interest of a simple discretionary move, a recovery only requires such motor vehicles as a luxury or value of capital assets (vintage) are classified, the normal value exceeds significantly, have a significant value or which is to reasonable life of a student is not required.
likely of the above, also so far received from the offices BAföG appropriate application of the Federal Social Court adopted qualifying free limit amount of 7,500 € for motor vehicles of recipients of ALG 2 (or Hartz IV) does have (SPA v. 6.9.2007, above). For apprentices is in contrast to job-seeking recipients of basic security services do not require integration into working life at the center. As the BAföG offices in old cases will deal with that case remains to be seen. For new applications it will probably require an explicit reference to indicate the future of motor vehicles upon the declaration of the assets in Form 1.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lug Nut For 2004impala
In principle, only the first job-skills training should be encouraged. The right to promote the capabilities of a single and inclinations of the students training to follows directly from § § 1, 7 BAföG. The promotion claim is limited to a single after training, regardless of whether it has been successfully completed or aborted.
This applies even if the training has been completed abroad, and then able to practice, but not in Germany.
The lack of recognition of foreign education in the country and therefore the unexploitability of study completed abroad Training in the German labor market will in principle, to any claim to promote the further training in Germany. Different if the student was unable to decide between an education in the country or abroad, which is regularly apply to refugees, displaced persons or asylum seekers.
comes allens if further support to the hardness requirement of § 7 para 2 sentence 2 BAföG considered , that special circumstances must be present.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Missouri Teaching Non-certificate
Only a few months ago you had to ask if he was away for work and answer the question in the affirmative. Overgrown and no structures were overgrown the castle walls more visible. This has been thanks to the program "more local", but changed.
In three work assignments more than 220 (!) Garz and Garzerinner, Tourists, Guest and surrounding residents actively involved. They put the heat at maximum about 1.5 ha released large plateau, the sports complex brought back to light, which is located directly next to the castle wall and were now fighting in the third labor input on 2 October with the slopes of the embankment. They were overgrown over the years as well.
50 volunteers aged from 3 to 73 years, first cleaned in preparation for Memorial Day, the area around the memorial. In several groups, including shrubs and bushes that had grown over the years around the castle wall were removed.
Both enjoy their work and the food - grilled firefighters - agreed, so that a lot could be done.
Another site at the third labor input was again the sports complex, where the top layer could be applied to the tracks, so that after the completion of remaining work to physical education at the castle wall in the way of anything.
Mayor Gitta Gohla is pleased and happy about the great commitment, points out that some supporters were with all three working operating times and hopes for the next year, this "strength (s) on site, order something together for the do smallest and oldest city in Rügen.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ijoy Board Calorie Burn
He was ill-sign - the second use of the work Garze under the program "more local". After the "heat of battle" in July, when the plateau of the Castle Walls was exposed, started the 4th September with first rain. However, the weather
had some understanding, so that could go over 70 volunteers 7-70 years to the next task.
was given this time, the reactivation of the earlier circular path around the castle wall, which was overgrown by branches, twigs and brush completely.
The "strengths on the ground" were also in exposing the various sectors of former small sports facilities between the castle wall and Garze lake.
had What happened in August as part of the medieval festival or the "Battle of Garz" on a large meadow, were now many helpers busy making 100 m running track visible again, along with the contact sheets for the long jump and the landing pit itself memories came, and the volleyball court was to recognize.
have completed the work with the new installation of the shot put ring by construction expert Rolf-Dieter Stein, who had agreed to the technical organization of the 2nd Labor input to take over.
At the end of the day were astonished many helpers about their own performance - what is possible, if only enough volunteers to tackle and accomplish something in common. It did so but only because many sponsors were willing to support this project.
"At this point, many thanks to all volunteers, sponsors and supporters." Stressed Mayor Gitta Gohla.
gets in the coming weeks, the revived sports facility, a new top layer and the fresh sand pit, so that in the foreseeable future the physical education of both Garze schools - elementary school and regional school - again can take place under the stars.
"Those are our 'strengths on the spot'," recalls Mayor Gitta Gohla on the creature back. "Together we make a difference and volunteer for the city of Garz and Garz citizens."
And looking ahead, on 2 October, the third work use the next tasks in store at the castle wall, where once every helping hand is needed - on the way to a beautiful city.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
34 Weeks Pregnant Root Canal
Cosmopolitan Stories
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Lab 6 Molecular Biology Ap Biology Lab 6?
In exceptional cases, which the Federal Training Assistance Act (EED) expressly provides trainees are promoted without consideration of parental income. The personal income and the income of the spouses are always considered.
addition to the matters provided for in § 11 para 2 and § 11 para 3 BAföG cases of parental income independent promotion is also in § 36 and § 37 BAföG controlled advance payment procedures as a basis for a claim for educational assistance, which remains in the income of the parents out of consideration.
cases of § 11 BAföG
then is not considered income of the parents with students who were employed before the study and care of the living of it could. Parents are independent BAföG even for the acquisition of a university on the second chance education. Whatever is encouraged parents also who is of age at the start of training over 30 years. This applies also for orphans and those trainees, in which the whereabouts of the parents is unknown. If the training after the age of 30 Birthday thus started in addition to the requirements of § 10 para 3 BAföG available as financial assistance is granted only until the age of 30 years. In previous work is important to note that these 5 years has been exercised or three years after 3 years of previous professional training. Those who had prior work already begun a study and may be canceled, but parents are encouraged independent. It should be noted that the first study was terminated after a maximum of three terms (§ 7 para 3 EED) and the training objective has been abandoned without fail. In this case, the "double change of perspective" is the return The aim of the training college degree to open a new training section dar.
parents independent promotion of the advance payment method
prepayments initially intended to support trainee is if the parents do not meet their maintenance requirement for training. Accordingly, there is a right to subrogation, ie, the civil-law right to maintenance of the trainees against the parents go to the office of student loans (§ 37 EED). The claim can logically only be transferred to the Office, if there really is a civil law claim for maintenance of the trainees against the parents. The right to full-year maintenance is governed by § 1610 paragraph 2 Civil Code and the relevant case law of the extensive Federal Court. Then there is the learning path "doctrine-baccalaureate degree program on a regular basis for a uniform training for which the parents have to make a living. In other cases, such as the Learning Path "real school-teaching-Technical School-College" is the opinion of the Federal uniform training only exist if the trial decision existed at the beginning of the lesson was and expressed, at least, the aim became apparent (BGH FamRZ 2006 , 1100; Fam RZ 1995, 416). Evidence that the can speak existence of a uniform training to be especially if the training was planned jointly with the parents or the parents was known and have not objected to or was taken before the study and practical instruction, with the subsequent degree in a narrow factual and temporal association stands. The student loan office to clarify the question of whether the parents already funded a proper pre-training and meets the bourgeois legal maintenance obligation by submitting a questionnaire to the parents have. There is also asked whether and to what extent the parents have made to influence the decision to study and whether the parents were aware that further training is planned or taken should be. If you come to the conclusion that the parents have met the maintenance obligation under § 1610 para 2 BGB already funding an adequate pre-training, the student loans office, no longer relying on parents. The student receives in this case, parents actually independent financial support. Otherwise, so if there is still a bourgeois legal right to maintenance from the parents, the student loan office to keep the family court will invoke.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Underwater Roller Coaster Rct3
Press release: Media for the Second Conference in Barcelona Immigration
The debate about the employment status of immigrant journalists will be developed in five thematic panels. The first is by Dardo Gomez, secretary general of the Federation of Unions of Journalists in Spain (FeSP): "the full integration of the journalists from other countries is one of the targets adopted at our last Congress in Espartinas, Sevilla in May 2009, "said Gomez, who will speak with a presentation on the legal framework and professional exercise of journalism.
The following table will focus on "Communication for immigration and the crisis on different work experiences in Spain. From the traditional immigrant journals, of which speak Romanian Claudiu Stroe, issue of Root; to cooperative projects, like the Mexican Rafael Monroy Diversimedia the agency. They share the debate with China's Hui Tan, program languages Barcelona Info TV, and Claudia Cucchiarato Italian correspondent for the Italian newspaper L'Unità and author of new book on Italian emigration "Live Altrove."
In the next round of speakers will talk about "the new journalists in Europe." With an international perspective, the Chilean Vivanco Paula explained the draft National Intercultural Press Association, affiliated to the National Federation of the Italian Press. Vivanco microphone share, Moroccan Brahim Abarka, and Senegalese Bouba Diaby, Barcelona TV.
"One of the biggest challenges we have is that newsrooms reflect the cultural composition of society," said Gustavo Franco, media secretary of Immigration of SPC. To reflect on this goal will be in the fourth panel Terribas Monica, Director of Television de Catalunya, the Colombian Marco Schwartz, director of the newspaper Public Opinion, and Esther Samper, de Catalunya Radio.
In the "conclusions and proposals for the future" will be responsible Jaime Cevallos, a correspondent for The Universe of Ecuador, and Hicham Bouricha, Moroccan journalist Mataró Radio. Finish the day with a conference Mundó Carles, secretary of the Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This event was made possible by the success of the first, held in Barcelona on 14 and 15 November 2008, and was attended by some 100 journalists from around the English State.
Media Contact: Gustavo Franco
: +34 638 277 512 - Veronica Chelotti: +34 666 766 251 -
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How Much Orajel Should Be On Penis
Garza has recaptured his castle wall
Nearly 100 volunteers from Garz, its districts, as well as Berlin and Hamburg (Urlauber!) were not deterred by the announced temperature in order on 3 July to follow a call to the Mayor Gitta Gohla.
goal was to work with a first insert (also called "Subbotnik"), and the plateau of the Castle Walls Garze again visible, which was completely overgrown with shrubs and small trees.
the preparations required a machine that chops first everything to pieces. Well, it was important to rake up the 1.5-hectare area as best as possible. Finally, later to be grass seeded. Quick
showed that it was necessary to divide his forces well, finally, the temperature rose continuously, The air shimmered with the heat. Vast quantities of water bottles and sponsored food from the field kitchen of the fire brigade helped decisively to keep the morale of the volunteers at a high level.
Without the selfless assistance of agricultural machines Agrargbetriebe, the provision of transport vehicles by Mr Krohn and the city, which had loaded up the vast amounts of Zusammengeharktem and drove away, with that day, not enough to say proudly after six hours of sweaty work can "We won." counter the heat and on the way a magnet for the Garze and of course the guests of the island.
A view of the large old trees and framed for a foreshadowing complaints historically important area of what has been uncovered for a potential return.
"We have managed, with almost 100-fold voluntary commitment to achieve something that has hardly a thought possible -. Restore to the fortification of his face," says Gitta Gohla with pride and gratitude. "These are true 'local' strengths," she adds. That's the name of the funding program is designed with the help of the castle wall and its surroundings into an attractive area. CJD has a major part in the Garz.
The first "battle" is won. On 4 September comes the next step.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Why Obtain Vital Signs For Head Injury
The search for identity, equality of rights and a clear positioning of legislation away from political extremism and electoral desires. This was the aim of young Muslims in Catalonia Mataró and holding doors open.
Islam is not a transient phenomenon whose presence is only temporary, because in fact, live in Catalonia at least 400,000 people be considered "culturally" Muslim, according to a study in eight years there ... Read more half will
How To Masterburate With A Banana
Was he gone? one might wonder at first. Yes! He was gone! That is completely overgrown, so that it no longer than the second most important castle wall on the island of Ruegen recognizes (after Cape Arkona).
That will change now.
On 3 July from 09:00 clock starts a large-scale use of volunteers, where anyone can join. This will complete the plateau of smaller trees, shrubs, roots and grass to be freed, which could grow unchecked since 1990.
Permission to have the local nature conservation authority and the preservation of the island Complaints issued. Exceptions, however, a strip at the edge of the plateau until the breeding season of birds is over.
After the shredding by a specialist company in the week at work before the application and removal of material 3 July to grass seeds sown on about 1.5 ha large area, a hedge to a particular place and a pear tree will be planted.
should also be removed from the hanging about 20 m high fortress walls all trees that do not belong there, so keep that in the end only the large and ancient trees and the structure of the castle hill is visible again.
Mayor Gitta Gohla would be very much participation forward - whether with rake, hoe and wheelbarrow - because it might the deep sleep of the Castle Walls quickly put an end to.
"We have here in front of the house a treasure that needs to be to lift. The whole area offers so much potential, which can be developed, we must first make visible again. "Looks ahead to the mayor, the big challenge.
is all possible only through support from the project "more local". The crucial involvement of CJD Garza were able to € 10,000.00 for the renovation of the castle walls are provided.
Info Burgwall Garz / Rügen
Several documents is evidence that the princes of Ruegen, which became extinct in 1325, on maternity leave (Charenz, Charenza) had their temporary residence. For some importance is the fact that has been standing on the castle wall the royal chapel, the oldest of these is clear from the documents, which dates back to 1232nd
The records of the Danish chronicler Saxo Grammaticus (1140 - 1220) of the "Gesta Danorum" contain a detailed description of the Slavic leave:
"This town is characterized by the building of three all-powerful shrines (Rugievit, Porevit, Porenut), by the splendor of native Art are worth seeing. Although there were only locally revered idols, so they had their dignity but gives almost as much worship as the most prestigious of all Slavic deity had to Arkona. This place was uninhabited in peace time, but now filled with numerous dense residential huts. These were three stories high, the lowest floor formed by the support of the middle and top floor. Yes, the narrowness of the crammed apartment was so big that if you had shot with extractors stones in the castle, the stones have not found a free place to falling down. "
illuminated in the immediately next to it, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Museum The exhibition opened in the spring of "Legends and research into old Charenza on Ruegen. She first provides an insight into the imaginative genre and shows the influence of these sources and the science had to have today. Known and rather forgotten researchers presented the results of its work to Slavic culture and medieval era.
excavations between 1868 and 1928 brought about the details of the relics from the mid-14th Century decaying plant (total size 200 x 140 m) to light.
Stralsund for the Slavic plant has a special symbolic importance, as most of the castle Charenza 31st October should have been 1234 certificate issued to the municipal law, signed by the complaints Prince Witzlaw I.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Indians Showing Breast
Association Al-Cultural Ouahda PP claims that undermine the work done so far in Mataró on immigration. Hicham Bourisha explains that policies and management of new citizens in the capital of the Maresme has been an example for many other Catalan cities and demanded the government to withdraw the proposal on the veil because it is generating a comprehensive discussion unnecessary.
Bourisha also accuses the PP of Mataró be drone and calls to local party leaders to talk with the national leadership to make them understand that as these discussions bring in Mataró, is absurd because you can radicalize
Read more. ..
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Free Pic Leigh D Extremecurve
"Liberté, égalité, Fraternité (Freedom, equality and fraternity in French) was the motto of the French Revolution and is also the currency of Francmasoneria. The slogan outlived the revolution, becoming the cry of activists in favor of democracy and the overthrow of oppressive governments and tyrannical of all kinds.
In return for this revolution, we witnessed last week in a revolution with the same slogan ... Mataró MORE
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Can Drinking Grape Juice Cause Black Stool
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sharp Pain From Belly Button To Groin
Salvador Dali said:" What we want to interest others should raise them. " This was certainly the intention of the provincial Party caused President of Barcelona when he said a few days ago in the capital of Maresme that "Mataro is undermined by a combination of immigration, crime and prostitution. " This equaled immigrants with criminals and prostitutes
.... read more
Friday, May 7, 2010
Reference Letter For Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible
The Federal Administrative Court makes clear in a recent decision that the lack of separation of the trust property from its own assets as "evidence" to look for the lack of effective trust agreement was.
While closing the lack of separation of trust property and private property of the trainee is not necessarily a civil law effective trust deed, however, the Court stressed in an earlier decision that the separation is a solid evidence to go out in the absence of a rule like this is that a binding trust agreement has not actually taken (BVerwGE 132, 21 - 04.09.2008).
BVerwG 5 B 7:10 - 05.03.2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Things To Write At A Wedding
Wed, 21/04/2010 - 19:54
Where Do You Buy A Lion
Wed, 21/04/2010 - 15:46 Mataro harmful because only include problems and confrontations
... Read more
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Im Addicted To Trebormints
After a stand reconciliation and the subsequent letter from the Office BAföG students face the difficult question of whether any information on existing assets should be made - and if so, what? - Or whether it is sufficient to provide details and to pay as a result inevitably raised repayment amount. The latter leads to a regular criminal proceedings because the BAföG offices are obliged to report suspicions of fraud complaint. Here, the suspicion of fraud BAföG is sufficient that when a - when even supposedly still so low - Repayment amount has come. No information is therefore to make the worst of all possible defense strategies. Here I leave under this Article, the alternative self-incrimination with guilt even before the outside because this is not a defensive in the true sense. This path leads straight to a recovery and subsequent investigation.
In particular, there are the following tactics to prevent a recovery of rendered support:
first Defense of lack of knowledge on capital was made
Had no knowledge of the presence of assets as BAföG application, then there is an actual recovery obstacle. This is for instance the case when there exists the trainees denominated savings account that there was always owned by the grandparents. To the statement of the circumstances of ignorance and their detection are high demands to rule out abuse. A central starting point is the question of who issued the exemption order.
addition, the law in § 27 BAföG qualifying free allowance if there is a legal obstacle recovery before. Further, to avoid undue hardship, another part of the qualifying assets remain free to § 29 para 3 BAföG.
second Objection of a covert Trust
When trust assets are such that, although is legally part of the trainees assigned to him so heard it on this but due to the Trustor taken escrow agreement may not have free and that is to repay at a predetermined time. Legally, the assets of the trainees therefore charged with the right to restitution of the settlor, so this is on capital debt deducted, § 28 para 3 BAföG. In the case of the objection of a covert trust even more stringent requirements are imposed on the presumption of actual existence. This is a specific description of the measures trust agreement, the separation of the trust property from its own assets and the lack of their own access to the trust assets to show good faith of central importance.
As evidence of the existence of a trust agreement the repayment of the trust assets deemed to the settlor, if the repayment was already before the formal notice of BAföG Office for financial disclosure.
third Objection of debt from (parent) loans
debt and must be deducted from the assets of the trainees, § 28 para 3 BAföG. This, in principle, include loans payable. The debt must have existed at the time of application (as principle). As a liability is because in principle such a loan from a parent relatives or other loans into consideration. To counteract the abuses law creates the presumption of such loans subsequently the scale of the so-called at arm's . After that loan is granted at no other relatives are considered for loan agreements between third parties. Earlier as a necessary precondition the existence of a written was considered loan agreement. Of this is the case now ready to come when in reality the loan contracts between relatives, be closed particularly in grandparent / parent-child relationship, in most cases orally. The writing requirement in practice led eventually to the fact that were subsequently deemed submitted written contracts BAföG offices and courts, and students and their parents this way were in danger of being prosecuted.
is still the case law of strict requirements on the likelihood of the concrete (oral) loan agreement. It regularly is the time of the agreement to prove, like the agreements made for loan repayment, which was actually paid by Payments / rates can be detected. It should be noted that borrowings can be considered only in so far as assets reducing the repayment during the time period is approved in the education grant is due. Loans granted by the parents for training purposes, and therefore to satisfy the statutory maintenance obligation, are not take into account .
4th Objection of the asset consumption
BAföG is Often a request at the beginning of Winter semester in September / October of each year provided. The value of the assets lies with the application was below the current allowance, currently € 5,200. The reconciliation covers more often, significant investment income from the calendar year of application to light. The consumption of the assets of up to six months before the application is demonstrated on the best paper-based. Here is the submission of invoices, receipts and transfers in question. But more than half a year back issues should be prima facie evidence or proof, as far as admission to the course was already intended as an asset consumption took place. This is based on the principle of law that quite unfair asset dispositions are ignored in favor of the trainees, as they are intended, precisely to bring about the need. This is why the transfer of assets to the parents or others gratuitous always ignored. If the asset consumer to purchase a car, you must ensure that the student can prove the ownership of the vehicle by a buyer in the sales contract occurs and is entered in the vehicle registration. This is particularly so when the vehicle of the parents is acquired. The value of the vehicle when the application should not exceed € 7500, because a car is only free until then qualifying.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
World Record Great White Shark Okinawa
Citizen proud!
"The right and willingness to participate in a community, through the action autorregulada, inclusive, peaceful and responsible, with the objective of optimizing public welfare." Given this definition, we first note the difference between citizenship and nationality. In modern democracies normally have the status of all citizens men and women over age
Sunday, March 21, 2010
554 Delivery Error Dd
110 years Fire Brigade Garz
"We need everybody," exclaimed Andreas Gaj in the room when he 110-year history of the Garze firefighters during a ceremony at the Garze Leisure Centre last Saturday (March 20) Revue let them pass.
He recalled some 100 guests from far and wide complaints and the fact that one of the oldest fire departments of Ruegen has survived four political systems, but now faces serious staffing problems. Ray of hope on the horizon in this Years have already welcomed two new members werden.21 comrades are present to ensure a solid days standby, it would need to be at least 40 comrades. Because most of their comrades go next volunteering day work and are thus not available.
The highlight for the youngest participants of the ceremony was the presentation of the badge "Youth Flame" stage I in three girls and a boy. They form along with two trainers, the Youth Fire Brigade - which has also recruitment problems.
stressed Looking to the coming months should be promoted aggressively in which both the adults and in schools for the volunteer fire brigade, the military leader Andreas Garze Gaj: "We need every helping hand!"
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What Kind Of Doctor For Bursitis Hip
Every day we hear news about faith Muslim: Muslims exploits of renowned athletes, important personalities who talk about integration, or news of radicals who do not know the true meaning of Islam. But apart from these groups, there are other minorities that maybe are not as visible, but they make a great effort in their daily life to reconcile his Muslim faith and its Catalan spirit, I am referring to new Muslims or converts. Muslims are not just immigrants, but there are also indigenous people who have chosen Islam as a way of life. Within this group are in Catalan have embraced Islam. They feel proud Esser Catalan i Muslim ENCARE gent that are thought VEGADIF moltes són strangers.
Articulo traducido por Raquel Garcia Jimenez
Monday, March 8, 2010
Stretching Labia Woman
This is the largest gathering of civil society actors in the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean ever held so far and aims to promote cultural interaction, through the Mediterranean and the debate about the actions likely to encourage dialogue, mutual understanding and peace. This was the description of the majority of news agencies and representatives of civil society participating in the Forum Anna Lindh.
Monday, February 15, 2010
How To Show A True Copy?
The applicant lived since 2000 with his parents and siblings in France. In 2005 he applied to the responsible for this district Mainz-Bingen to grant him financial support to study medicine at a university in Paris. This request was rejected by the defendant on the ground: According to the Federal Training Assistance Act it is the legal rule, Germans do with permanent residence abroad, no promotion of training. The information required by the law an exception for special circumstances would be in case the applicant is not available.
now the Administrative Court in Münster but decided in favor of the plaintiff and awarded him a claim under this grant. In reasons for the decision of the Court states, inter alia:
The requirement of special circumstances of the case pursuant to § 6 sentence 1 BAföG interference in the loaned by the EC contract law for every citizen to move within the territory of the Member States and reside freely. For if the plaintiff in order to receive financial support for his studies in France without, from the start to a permanent residence in another EC country or a permanent resident of France to Germany to relocate. Such an approach would, however, for him to personal inconvenience, additional costs and possible delays connected. Hence the need for special circumstances of the case was likely, German from the outset to deter to travel to another EC Member State and to establish a permanent residence. Moreover, the restriction was likely to German citizens with permanent residence in another EC Member State will be held to continue to reside there. This was contrary to Community law is not justified. The Court of Justice, a Member State as part of its education funding system must ensure that the arrangements for the award of those grants the right to move within the territory of the Member States and reside freely, not unduly limited. A particular with the requirement of the particular case was in a proportionate way, the legitimate aim pursued but not apparent. The restriction was neither by the concern not to burden the public finances of charge, nor by any other purpose.
The decision is not yet final.
(Source: Press release Administrative Court Münster, Az: 6 K 2465/08)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Where To Find Army Immunization Record
For the first time in Catalonia, a radio program is presented and directed by immigrants and Muslims. A proposal from the international NGO Builders of Life and Ouahda ACM, the program's main objective is an example of intercultural coexistence of immigrants and Muslims of Catalonia and Spain. "Per tot Món (To everyone) is a joint program of radio broadcast from Mataró Radio that includes educational activities, news, sports, religion, politics, culture, etc. The program, with its variety of topics, not meant to be locked into a specific category of programming and its main thrust is to inform society about issues of concern to immigrants in general and Muslims in particular, facilitating possibility of having an objective view of these communities.
The program, with multiple sections, including interviews, guests and music, which is the main theme and its particular identity label. The guidelines are to select aimed at satisfying the tastes of a variety of audiences and different national origins. Also includes contests and calls from listeners to give it a dynamic, creative and varied.
Although the predominant languages are Catalan and English, "Per tot Món" translates into French, Arabic into English and German and can be heard from anywhere in the world through your Internet connection. The ACM
Ouahda Muslim is an association with 10 years in Mataró, and was the first. Has a center of worship but want to leave the mosque to give the real image of Islam that coexists with all cultures and generate dynamic interaction with other non-Muslim communities of different origins.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Polaroid Captiva Vision
Pour aider soutenir et du Groupe Boujemaa Twatoune amazigh veuillez visiter les ci-dessous links:
Un site Web a été en hommage à Crée Boujemaa de Twatoune. L'est le supporter Obejectif financiérement à cause de sa maladie.
Sitio web creado para
Apoyar a la cantante de su recuperación en Twatoun Boujemaa de una enfermedad grave.
website is created to support Twatoun's Boujemaa singer in his recovery from a serious illness.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hippie Type Prom Dresses
The Federal Constitutional Court shall be constitutional in its decision to § 7 para 1a BAföG that this provision was not a final scheme.
The principle of free choice the training course on the inclination, aptitude and performance, and the basic right to the promotion of vocational education compared to other programs and in comparison to students with wealthy parents will not restricted by § 7 para 1a BAföG.
Constitutional Court Decision of 24.04.2009 - 1 BvR 818/09