Press release: Media for the Second Conference in Barcelona Immigration Barcelona, 28 June 2010. Journalists of the five continents will be present in the second Journalists Media Day for Immigration, to be held on July 16 in the Library Auditorium of Barcelona Bonnemaison Francesca. "Journalists from here and there: information for all", meant as an exercise of integration for foreign professionals working in Catalonia and Spain, both specialized and general media. This initiative is organized by the Union of Journalists of Catalonia / Union of Professionals of the Comunicació (SPC) and is considered the pioneer in the English State. Opening remarks will be delivered by Oriol Amorós, Secretary for Immigration of the Government, and Ramon Espuny, president of the SPC.

The debate about the employment status of immigrant journalists will be developed in five thematic panels. The first is by Dardo Gomez, secretary general of the Federation of Unions of Journalists in Spain (FeSP): "the full integration of the journalists from other countries is one of the targets adopted at our last Congress in Espartinas, Sevilla in May 2009, "said Gomez, who will speak with a presentation on the legal framework and professional exercise of journalism.
The following table will focus on "Communication for immigration and the crisis on different work experiences in Spain. From the traditional immigrant journals, of which speak Romanian Claudiu Stroe, issue of Root; to cooperative projects, like the Mexican Rafael Monroy Diversimedia the agency. They share the debate with China's Hui Tan, program languages Barcelona Info TV, and Claudia Cucchiarato Italian correspondent for the Italian newspaper L'Unità and author of new book on Italian emigration "Live Altrove."
In the next round of speakers will talk about "the new journalists in Europe." With an international perspective, the Chilean Vivanco Paula explained the draft National Intercultural Press Association, affiliated to the National Federation of the Italian Press. Vivanco microphone share, Moroccan Brahim Abarka, and Senegalese Bouba Diaby, Barcelona TV.
"One of the biggest challenges we have is that newsrooms reflect the cultural composition of society," said Gustavo Franco, media secretary of Immigration of SPC. To reflect on this goal will be in the fourth panel Terribas Monica, Director of Television de Catalunya, the Colombian Marco Schwartz, director of the newspaper Public Opinion, and Esther Samper, de Catalunya Radio.
In the "conclusions and proposals for the future" will be responsible Jaime Cevallos, a correspondent for The Universe of Ecuador, and Hicham Bouricha, Moroccan journalist Mataró Radio. Finish the day with a conference Mundó Carles, secretary of the Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This event was made possible by the success of the first, held in Barcelona on 14 and 15 November 2008, and was attended by some 100 journalists from around the English State.
Media Contact: Gustavo Franco
: +34 638 277 512 - Veronica Chelotti: +34 666 766 251 -
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