It is well known that governs the financial support of reason and the amount of the income of the parents.
In exceptional cases, which the Federal Training Assistance Act (EED) expressly provides trainees are promoted without consideration of parental income. The personal income and the income of the spouses are always considered.
addition to the matters provided for in § 11 para 2 and § 11 para 3 BAföG cases of parental income independent promotion is also in § 36 and § 37 BAföG controlled advance payment procedures as a basis for a claim for educational assistance, which remains in the income of the parents out of consideration.
cases of § 11 BAföG
then is not considered income of the parents with students who were employed before the study and care of the living of it could. Parents are independent BAföG even for the acquisition of a university on the second chance education. Whatever is encouraged parents also who is of age at the start of training over 30 years. This applies also for orphans and those trainees, in which the whereabouts of the parents is unknown. If the training after the age of 30 Birthday thus started in addition to the requirements of § 10 para 3 BAföG available as financial assistance is granted only until the age of 30 years. In previous work is important to note that these 5 years has been exercised or three years after 3 years of previous professional training. Those who had prior work already begun a study and may be canceled, but parents are encouraged independent. It should be noted that the first study was terminated after a maximum of three terms (§ 7 para 3 EED) and the training objective has been abandoned without fail. In this case, the "double change of perspective" is the return The aim of the training college degree to open a new training section dar.
parents independent promotion of the advance payment method
prepayments initially intended to support trainee is if the parents do not meet their maintenance requirement for training. Accordingly, there is a right to subrogation, ie, the civil-law right to maintenance of the trainees against the parents go to the office of student loans (§ 37 EED). The claim can logically only be transferred to the Office, if there really is a civil law claim for maintenance of the trainees against the parents. The right to full-year maintenance is governed by § 1610 paragraph 2 Civil Code and the relevant case law of the extensive Federal Court. Then there is the learning path "doctrine-baccalaureate degree program on a regular basis for a uniform training for which the parents have to make a living. In other cases, such as the Learning Path "real school-teaching-Technical School-College" is the opinion of the Federal uniform training only exist if the trial decision existed at the beginning of the lesson was and expressed, at least, the aim became apparent (BGH FamRZ 2006 , 1100; Fam RZ 1995, 416). Evidence that the can speak existence of a uniform training to be especially if the training was planned jointly with the parents or the parents was known and have not objected to or was taken before the study and practical instruction, with the subsequent degree in a narrow factual and temporal association stands. The student loan office to clarify the question of whether the parents already funded a proper pre-training and meets the bourgeois legal maintenance obligation by submitting a questionnaire to the parents have. There is also asked whether and to what extent the parents have made to influence the decision to study and whether the parents were aware that further training is planned or taken should be. If you come to the conclusion that the parents have met the maintenance obligation under § 1610 para 2 BGB already funding an adequate pre-training, the student loans office, no longer relying on parents. The student receives in this case, parents actually independent financial support. Otherwise, so if there is still a bourgeois legal right to maintenance from the parents, the student loan office to keep the family court will invoke.
In exceptional cases, which the Federal Training Assistance Act (EED) expressly provides trainees are promoted without consideration of parental income. The personal income and the income of the spouses are always considered.
addition to the matters provided for in § 11 para 2 and § 11 para 3 BAföG cases of parental income independent promotion is also in § 36 and § 37 BAföG controlled advance payment procedures as a basis for a claim for educational assistance, which remains in the income of the parents out of consideration.
cases of § 11 BAföG
then is not considered income of the parents with students who were employed before the study and care of the living of it could. Parents are independent BAföG even for the acquisition of a university on the second chance education. Whatever is encouraged parents also who is of age at the start of training over 30 years. This applies also for orphans and those trainees, in which the whereabouts of the parents is unknown. If the training after the age of 30 Birthday thus started in addition to the requirements of § 10 para 3 BAföG available as financial assistance is granted only until the age of 30 years. In previous work is important to note that these 5 years has been exercised or three years after 3 years of previous professional training. Those who had prior work already begun a study and may be canceled, but parents are encouraged independent. It should be noted that the first study was terminated after a maximum of three terms (§ 7 para 3 EED) and the training objective has been abandoned without fail. In this case, the "double change of perspective" is the return The aim of the training college degree to open a new training section dar.
parents independent promotion of the advance payment method
prepayments initially intended to support trainee is if the parents do not meet their maintenance requirement for training. Accordingly, there is a right to subrogation, ie, the civil-law right to maintenance of the trainees against the parents go to the office of student loans (§ 37 EED). The claim can logically only be transferred to the Office, if there really is a civil law claim for maintenance of the trainees against the parents. The right to full-year maintenance is governed by § 1610 paragraph 2 Civil Code and the relevant case law of the extensive Federal Court. Then there is the learning path "doctrine-baccalaureate degree program on a regular basis for a uniform training for which the parents have to make a living. In other cases, such as the Learning Path "real school-teaching-Technical School-College" is the opinion of the Federal uniform training only exist if the trial decision existed at the beginning of the lesson was and expressed, at least, the aim became apparent (BGH FamRZ 2006 , 1100; Fam RZ 1995, 416). Evidence that the can speak existence of a uniform training to be especially if the training was planned jointly with the parents or the parents was known and have not objected to or was taken before the study and practical instruction, with the subsequent degree in a narrow factual and temporal association stands. The student loan office to clarify the question of whether the parents already funded a proper pre-training and meets the bourgeois legal maintenance obligation by submitting a questionnaire to the parents have. There is also asked whether and to what extent the parents have made to influence the decision to study and whether the parents were aware that further training is planned or taken should be. If you come to the conclusion that the parents have met the maintenance obligation under § 1610 para 2 BGB already funding an adequate pre-training, the student loans office, no longer relying on parents. The student receives in this case, parents actually independent financial support. Otherwise, so if there is still a bourgeois legal right to maintenance from the parents, the student loan office to keep the family court will invoke.