Histories from the NET! History of the Red Internet! First HRI es la nueva recopilación de Historia reales han pasado that in the Internet. El objetivo este espacio virtual no es crear más of, encontrar, y publicar Comentar Historia del compartir experiencias y Net.
HRI or real stories of the Internet is a collection of true stories that have happened or have held the Internet backbone. The main objective is to create, meet, publish and comment on stories and compartir internet experiences.
And said Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)
Thus Charles Seignobos (1854-1942) (...)
educated man in history knows that society can be transformed by public opinion, that opinion will not change any one and only one individual is powerless to change. But he knows that many men, working together in the same direction, can change public opinion. This knowledge gives him the feeling of power, the conscience of his duty and the rule of its activity, which is helping to transform society in the sense that it regards as the most advantageous. She teaches the most effective method, which is to agree with men of like mind to work together to transformer l'opinion. L'enseignement de l'histoire comme instrument politique d'éducation
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